
forever entangled



2 Years

The Ooze Participant
01-07-2022, 04:19 PM
Summer hit Auster and if felt more like the rainy season than any summer before. Or at least the two she had seen. With it brought her second birthday, she was officially an adult and at that moment officially a woman. A fact she could have happily lived without. So far the bodily functions had been manageable, Eska helped her in any way she could. Showing her different herbs for relief from cramps to masking the obnoxious scent that followed her. She thanked her lucky stars her father’s lady hadn’t come in and helped her while Roman was around. Getting him out of the room was more difficult after…

Lilith blushed as she turned away from the balcony and back into her room as the sun began to set. She hadn’t been out at all today, she didn’t feel like moving and with the rain seemingly at a continuous downpour… Roman wouldn’t have much trouble convincing her to stay inside with him. The thought of him made her belly flutter, but Eska’s words were fresh in her memory. This was a time to be especially careful with their intimacy, Lilith wasn’t exactly ready for pregnancy yet. She knew she wanted to spend her life with Romulus, and one day they would be husband and wife. But she had only just gained her freedom from the illness, she wasn’t ready to settle down and raise puppies just yet.

So, carefully she set the herbs up that Eska helped her with. Lillith knew she couldn’t keep her paws off Roman anymore than the inverse was true, so she prepared herself like the responsible young woman she was. Maybe her dad wasn’t happy about her growing up, but at least she was taking care of everything that came with it. As she closed the lid to her little box up on her desk Lil suddenly jumped as lightning struck right outside the castle and sent a massive boom of thunder chilling her spine.

Lil shook off the startle and took it as a sign to get back into bed. With heavy limbs te girl lifted herself onto the plush mattress and snuggled into the furs and blankies to wait for Roman to get back. This was their room now, and she was so glad to share it with him.
