


08-19-2013, 05:26 PM

Rouge? Yes... The young girl had never known her father, her mother had never spoken of him to any of them and no on had ever asked. They hadn't known much of their pack, allowing their mother to secret them away in their den until the day arrived that suddenly Tortuga had disappeared, the alpha's had left and a new pack had moved in. So they had been forced to leave, following their mother to attempt to find a new home. Starvation had started here, Luce never feeling anywhere was safe enough to leave her children unprotected and then one day it seemed Silana had awoken and everyone had disappeared. Her mother was gone and so were her siblings. Loneliness had started there. She had made her way north somehow, she didn't know how or why she had ended up in the submerged woods but she had found her brother. Unable to ask him where he had gone or if mother was near they had simply shared the silence. Of course interrupted constantly by the angry purple male but hey, she had found her brother and she had been happy. Now generally when she needed to find him he was in that area, why she didn't know but she didn't care.

He watched her, she felt like she could see his mind churning over the new details she had presented him. Would he understand? She could only hope, this was her first time meeting someone new and not having her mother or brother around to speak for her. Though Luce had generally shooed her back into the den rather then explaining. Had she been ashamed? After what felt like forever he spoke, asking if something was wrong before asking if she couldn't talk. Eyes closed and she let out a soft sigh of relief. Okay... He was smart enough to figure that out... Could he figure out the rest of what she needed of him? Slowly she would nod, jaws parting and throat once again working, attempting to churn out any sound but all that came out was her breath. So she sighed, shrugged and stood. It was an abrupt movement but she shook out her coat and reached down to pick up the half eaten rabbit. 'Come with me,' she willed him silently, motioning with her head towards the lands further north. She turned and began walking in the direction of the submerged woods before pausing and looking back at him. If he didn't join her immediately she would motion again and wait for him to follow. They had to find her brother...
