
I've been thinking about you all day baby


08-19-2013, 05:38 PM

Then why are you here? Nickolai turned back to glance at Demyan, who was now slowly padding out of the water, droplets of water clinging to his soaking pelt. Why was he here? Well for one there was a huge body of water behind him, so of course it made sense he would migrate towards the cooling liquid to relieve himself of the searing heat. But why was here with the ivory woman whom he had failed to kill the first time? That was a really good question. He had absolutely no idea. Perhaps a part of him still wanted to finish this woman off. Demyan wasn't one to let his prey go about unharmed, especially when they had escaped his clutches. Or at least he hadn't been. He hadn't killed another of his kind since having spent the night in the caverns with Orica. He was trying to be better, but this damn woman was tempting his demons again, coaxing them to come back out and play. But would he let them?

He wanted to give in, to end her pathetic life between his jaws with a single bite, to relish in the taste of her blood filling his jaws. But having Orica in his life meant more to him now than killing some woman who would only bring him momentary pleasure. He stood like a statue before the water, cyan gems intent on her figure. He could taste her fear; it was pungent in the air alongside her heat. He would not touch her. He wouldn't. For Orica. He was hers. And no one else's. He would never want another woman again if it wasn't Orica. I don't know. He answered simply, unable to come up with a better answer.

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