
Gambling the odds



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
01-07-2022, 06:46 PM

Now that he was back in The Hallows, he set his focus on stockpiling the food stores again now that the long night was over and there wasn't the constant problem of prey being covered in mushrooms and crystals. It felt good to get settled back into his home, be back with Syanna, and get back to his normal routines. He couldn't help but shake his head at his younger self when he thought about how much he had loathed the idea of becoming exactly what he was now—settled in a pack with responsibilities and a single steady relationship. He had tried so hard to be different from his father and in the end he had followed a pretty similar path. At least he could learn from his father's mistakes and avoid some of the craziness and heartbreak that had happened to his father.

He followed the scent of an animal out toward the wild berry grove, keeping an eye out for bears and the like as he went. He knew this place was always crawling with predators so he was always pretty careful when he came out here, but it always attracted a good amount of prey animals too so it was usually worth the risk. He crouched down and crept through the bushes and eventually his ice blue gaze landed on the creature that looked like an over grown goat with shaggy fur. The takin had clearly gotten separated from its herd at some point and had wandered here on its own—perhaps because of the limp he saw in its gate. While he was deciding the best way to take it down he spotted a flash of blue across the clearing and he focused in on the movement till he saw the young wolf also hunkered down in the bushes, obviously tracking this thing as well.

Thinking quickly, he lifted a paw and gave a little wave to get the boy's attention and then started quietly creeping his way around the clearing toward where the boy was hiding out, keeping an eye on the takin all the while. With how it was limping it probably wouldn't go far and it looked like it was wandering toward Hallows land anyway so even if it moved toward the plains it still wouldn't be a problem. He gave the younger wolf a nod as he got close, hunkering down in the bushes beside him. "Do you want to help with this? I'll split it with you," he offered. He knew he could probably take it down on his own, but he remembered being a young hunter like him trying to figure things out so he certainly didn't mind the company.

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