
tales of a world gone wrong




5 Years
Dire wolf

01-07-2022, 07:50 PM
The unnamed woman shot him a grin and invited him to try to kill her. The dire wolf gave a barking laugh, enjoying her cool demeanor and edgy humor to a degree he hadn't with other wolves. Well at least she had the banter to keep up with him, so this wouldn't be as dull as he dreaded it might be. She asked if he wanted to set fire to the world and Sitka pursed his lips in pensive thought, nodding his head while he considered the notion. "Well fuck, might make the world a mite more interestin' that's for damn sure. Warmer too. I wouldn't mind that." Sure, it might be a shame to lose the lovely orchard, but hot damn, would it be fun to watch the forest get engulfed in flames! Maybe some of those wolves over in the nearby pack might panic and go fleeing or desperately try to put it out too. That would be a fun show to watch!

Cool steel-blue of his eyes held the woman's from the sideways glance he gave her while she shot him a rakish grin. Oh yeah, they were gonna be trouble together, that was for sure. Even if he didn't wind up wrapped up in those long legs, being the lecherous creature he was, the she-wolf had already proven she was going to be an interesting creature to hang around with. She matched his energy and his vibe, it seemed, and Sitka was eager to dig deeper beneath that pretty facade and see what was hiding underneath in that wicked mind. She spoke his name, and it sounded so good in her lyrics. Then she introduced herself as Jack, not a name he'd been expecting, but one that felt all the more fitting for her disposition. "Jack," he repeated back in much the same fashion she had done.

Jack asked if he wanted to take a shot at her, stretching her body in a languid bow while gracefully rising to her paws that ended in a sneeze. Sitka snickered and rose as well, rolling his shoulders and neck to loosen and limber up his joints. Okay, so they were gonna do this. Her demeanor set the tone; this would be a fun and somewhat friendly fight. No one would die today, but he couldn't promise blood wouldn't be spilled. It was far too much fun to play rough, after all! He squared off against the playful femme, eyes flaring up with wildfire and a roguish grin on his lips showing off flashes of sharp teeth. Jack raised the stakes by adding that the loser had to catch dinner for the two of them. Sitka was tempted to raise the stakes higher and include much more fun adult activities the two could do, but decided not to push his luck—this time, at least. "You're on, rambler."

Sitka took the initiative to kick off their fight. They had already been in close proximity to one another, so it only took a couple quick strides before he was upon her. He tucked his chin down to guard his throat while he rushed her, muzzle aimed to bite down on the back of Jack's neck, going to grab at her scruff. While he did this, he also brought a thickly muscled foreleg around to try to grapple around Jack's left shoulder, knowing that if he got her in a grapple, he could likely use his superior size and weight to his advantage.

Sitka vs Jack for Spar (Loser buys dinner)
Round 1/2
Age: 1+ years
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Medium
Offensive Battle Accessory: Survival knife
Defensive Battle Accessory: Reinforced Leather Breastplate
Companion 1: Peregrine falcon, Female - Flying
Skills: Intermediate Fighter & Beginner Hunter

"Sitka Thánatos"

Warning: Sitka is an intensely mature character. Message me for content warnings.