
Feed The Hungry




5 Years
Dire wolf

01-07-2022, 07:58 PM
Sitka had been expecting a modicum of resistance from the girl once she'd made it clear that she was going to play hard to get. What he hadn't been expecting, however, was for the black and white wolf to lunge forward and catch his foreleg in her jaws. The renegade snarled against the sudden flash of pain, feeling her throw her weight forward into his shoulder. Had he not been standing and braced on his legs, he might have toppled over. In this case, all it did was push him back before his muscles tensed and he stopped her advance. Lips pulling back from sharp fangs in a violent snarl, Sitka pushed back against her and lunged with his muzzle aiming down to grab at the girl's scruff through her cloak. With one rough tug, he ripped the cloak from her body with a tearing of fabric, tossing it aside to reveal all of her pretty young form to his cold eyes. The garish pink coat that had been hiding beneath could very nearly have blinded him had the sun still been up. As it was, it just made her a much more noticeable target in the dark. Suddenly he realized why she'd been wearing the cloak so protectively. She was trying to hide this hideously ostentatious pink fur. Where the fuck did a wolf even get pink fur from?

With his leg still held in her jaws, Sitka felt her teeth rip into his skin, causing him to bleed, though fortunately not nearly as badly as he was planning on making her. Again, Sitka pushed his greater size and weight forward into her, aiming to topple her or at least get her off balance while he lunged with his jaws parted aiming to sink his fangs right into the girl's scruff. If he managed to get a hold of her, the dire brute would thrash with all his might, absolutely savaging the girl until she managed to break free or collapsed in submission to him. If the bitch wanted a fight for her virtue, then gods dammit he'd give her the fight of her young life.

"Sitka Thánatos"

Warning: Sitka is an intensely mature character. Message me for content warnings.