
The dinner bell


08-19-2013, 06:01 PM

He gave a small grin at the increased excitement from the kid. A cute boy. Maybe travelling with him wouldn't be completely boring. As soon as it did, he would probably end up ditching this Nuka, for now the boy was giving him his name. The black beast nodded and said, "Okay then, Nuka, I'll keep on calling you Kiddo or Boyo. Much easier to remember." He gave a wink to the boy along with a low chuckle. He enjoyed how easy it was to chat with Nuka. His guard could relax a bit, which he didn't really do too often.

"Now that we're travelling companions, which direction would you like to head after this? I have no preference at all on where I go, as long as there is food, water, and a beautiful view nearby." he didn't mention that having a girl nearby would also be fun, but he didn't think that little Nuka could appreciate that yet. Or maybe he could and did, since it wasn't entirely impossible yet. Should he ask? How would he phrase it, though? 'Hey, you ever been with a girl, Kiddo?' It would seem a bit invasive and inappropriate. Better to save that until it was relevant to the conversation.


OOC: XD Okay then, I hope that Nuka escapes unharmed, or gets happy with his predicament.