



5 Years
Extra large
08-19-2013, 06:02 PM

Everyone talked. Pups were born with the ability to talk, it was just a matter of developing their skills and teaching them how to speak. Taurig had obviously been able to master the art of speech without difficult and so had every other wolf he knew in his life. But what about this little dame? She seemed to want to speak, with the mouthing of his name and the attempt to formulate speech, but her body didn't allow her to. Or was it really her body? Could she be doing this to herself, not allowing herself to speak for fear of something? But what could instill such fear in a young babe that it would make her become mute? Taurig was determined now, to coax this little thing into talking. He wanted to show her that there was nothing to fear from speech. If anything, it would make her life a bit easier. He would help her. It was decided.

She nodded to his question. So she couldn't talk. Well she could understand him. That was something. Her jaws unhinge and he could see the effort she made to try and speak, but just as before, no sound emitted from her vocals. She sighed, shrugging as he stood, collecting what was left of the rabbit, motioning with her head for him to follow her. He understood right away, inky limbs unscrambling from beneath his mass, hoisting back onto his paws, a brief shake given to his pelt before he pushed forward, gliding easily over the snow as he trailed after the tiny babe. He wasn't sure where exactly she was taking him, but if she was asking him to accompany her, there had to be a chance that she needed help. And he was willing to give her that help.

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