
forever entangled



3 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Hit!
01-08-2022, 01:35 AM

The flash of lightning was so bright it illuminated the dark, stormy world around the Hallows castle as if the sun had suddenly broken through the blanket of blackness in the sky. It was immediately followed by a boom of thunder so loud, Romulus felt it shake in his very bones. The Armada wolf hurried back inside the castle walls, wrapped in a drenched cloak as he weathered the storm to finish his guard shift. Though Artorias had urged the warriors to remain inside during the storm for their safety, Roman wouldn't let the pack's guard down for a minute. They'd been attacked when they least expected it and he'd be damned if he let his home get hit a second time. He'd just managed to finish a half circuit around the eastern edge of the pack's lands before the storm became heavier and unbearable, forcing the young fighter to make his way back to shelter. If nothing else, at least he'd left some fresh scent markers out, hopefully to dissuade any potential invaders. Now he was just looking forward to getting back inside and drying off.

Pushing through the main doors and kicking them shut to close out the cold and rain behind him, Roman trudged his way up the stairs, leaving trails of water behind him as he went. He was thoroughly soaked to the bone and ready to get himself dry and warm by the fire. He wandered down the Adravendi wing of the castle, approaching the bedroom he shared with Lillith, and slipped inside. The bedroom was dark, lit only by the glow of the fire in the hearth. Silver eyes spotted his alabaster queen already curled up in bed, waiting out the storm that raged outside. "Fuck, it's getting bad out there. You had the right idea, I should've stayed in bed with you," he remarked with a chuckle, shedding the cloak off and hanging it up to dry as he shut the latch on the bedroom door, guaranteeing their privacy while he trudged over to the fire crackling in the hearth and shook the water out of his fur. The warmth that hit him was an instant relief, the bedroom a damn sight cozier than anywhere else in the castle, and certainly more so than outside.

Roman turned his eyes out to the windows, watching the rain cascade down the glass panes in sheets. It didn't look like the torrential downpour would stop anytime soon. In a way, it was kind of cool. It was almost like he and Lillith were in a room all alone beneath the sea or something, totally isolated as they were surrounded by water. "You want me to close the curtains before I join you up there, or leave them open?" asked Romulus with a glance over to his lover tucked up in bed. A flash of lightning illuminated the room briefly, highlighting the silver in his drying coat and almost making his eyes shimmer in the low light before a clap of thunder shook the heavens outside. He knew Lil wasn't particularly fond of storms, so if she wanted to shut the world out and live by the light of the fire, he was very okay with that.
