
Feed The Hungry




5 Years
Dire wolf

01-08-2022, 03:23 AM
Much to Sitka's sadistic delight, his brash attempts to push the girl back had succeeded far greater than he could have hoped! Instead of just putting her off balance, the little bitch actually went backwards, tumbling to her back on the ground and bringing him with her by his leg, which she still didn't release. Fuck, let go..! Fortunately, the moment she hit the ground and his weight wound up on top of hers, she let go of his leg, but both wolves were already moving again, a flurry of claws and teeth and vicious snarls. He tasted her fur and flesh as his teeth found purchase in the side of her neck, wondering why she hadn't reacted more to try and stop him, but savoring his newfound hold on her. He heard her heated exhale, the sound sending delightfully erotic chills down his spine. Was the crazy bitch actually enjoying this? Was this what she was into?

As if answering his unspoken questions, the fae beneath him turned her head to bite down on the side of his neck in turn. Ferocious snarls rumbled in the brute's chest when he felt the flash of pain of her teeth in his skin. She hadn't bitten anything vital, however, so as much as it stung, he'd be fine. He'd had a hell of a lot worse from some of the bounties he'd tracked down in his time. This was nothing but foreplay to him. Maneuvering his body so he was straddling her prone form and the bulk of his weight was pressing down on her chest and torso to keep her pinned, Sitka clenched his jaws harder, feeling flesh give way as his teeth sunk into warm, tender skin, the hot gush of blood spilling across his tongue as he did so. He'd made sure he didn't bite down on anything vital either, just wanting to put the bitch in her place and get her to submit, not kill her. But that didn't mean he wouldn't use every trick in his arsenal to get what he wanted from her though.

With three paws bracing himself and pushing his weight down on her to try and subdue her struggling, Sitka slid his free paw up to find the fae's slender neck, placing her windpipe between his digits and pushing down hard on her throat. His goal wasn't to crush her throat, just to choke her out enough to put panic in her heart. As he did this, he also tried to readjust his jaws, looking to sink a more secure bite into her right where her neck and shoulder met, the taste of her blood already lingering on his tongue and the violent brute wanting even more.

"Sitka Thánatos"

Warning: Sitka is an intensely mature character. Message me for content warnings.