
Feed The Hungry




5 Years
Dire wolf

01-08-2022, 02:18 PM
The pressure he put on the girl's throat had the intended effect on her he'd hoped for. Sitka felt her release his neck with a gasping breath, struggling to get air into her lungs while he choked her without mercy. But to his surprise, the crazy bitch actually laid her head on the ground and extended her neck to his grip, allowing him to find stronger purchase around her slender throat. The dire brute squeezed so hard he felt her pulse throbbing against his paw pads, her heart working desperately to keep her conscious and alive. It gave him such a rush of adrenaline, a feeling of total dominance and power over her. If he wanted, he could have snuffed out her life in the blink of an eye. How easy it would be to bite a little further in and sever her carotid, to taste every beat of her heart in his mouth while she bled to death, or he could simply twist her head until her neck snapped. Or perhaps he'd just keep his weight on her neck and watch as her squirming died away along with her. Ah, but then he wouldn't get to enjoy the real reasons he'd tracked her down...

Speaking of, Sitka felt the girl's wriggle against his in a delightful way, drawing a deep groan from the sadistic beast. Turned out she was just trying to free her paw to swing at his throat, but with her waning strength from a lack of oxygen, it came out more like a forceful tap against his neck. Sitka grunted and could have bore the irritation, but he still didn't want to kill the pink bitch—not yet, anyway. So he relented, letting up on her throat, though he kept his paw where it was, flexing sharp claws over her tender skin around her windpipe. He released her from his jaws and drew back, holding her gaze and finding a familiar smoldering look in those pallid eyes. It was hate, but it was also so much more. Curiosity. Sitka could work with curiosity. He'd satisfy it for her along with other things for the both of them before the end of the night.

The fae struggled to speak, her words coming out guttural and strangled, but coherent, and the words she spoke caused his instinctual lust from the smell of her heat to flare up within him, a tightness growing between his thighs and a heat raging in his core. Raising himself above her with his silvery tail flagging high in a display of dominance over her, Sitka flashed his bloodstained fangs while he held her gaze with his own lecherous stare. With the way he was situated on top of her, it only took a shuffle of his hips and a repositioning of his hind legs to get himself positioned just right. One hind paw stepped down on her tail to pin it to the ground and keep it out of his way, the forepaw on her throat pushing up to shove beneath her chin and tip her head up. With her delicate throat now exposed to him, Sitka uttered a throaty growl and latched his jaws around her throat, sinking sharp teeth into her soft skin and squeezing with powerful jaws again, just enough to taste her blood. With his deadly hold on her, Sitka waited no longer, pressing his hips to hers and taking what he wanted. If she was lucky, the girl might even begin to enjoy herself too.

- fade? -

"Sitka Thánatos"

Warning: Sitka is an intensely mature character. Message me for content warnings.