
I may tell you to run




Master Fighter (245)

Expert Intellectual (165)

An icon representing the specialty Unarmed Unarmed

4 Years

Critical Fail!Ooh La La
01-08-2022, 07:53 PM

Kore had snuck out of the den, intent on seeing the moon. Since his birth, the nebula boy has felt a pull toward the silvery object, a part of him longing to talk with it. For some reason, a piece of his soul lays up there, hanging in the sky for the world to see. He loves his little family, loves his Auntie Mortif and her kindness, but a piece of him is missing and he thinks the moon has it. Bright blue eyes stare with quiet introspection at the moonlit goddess, trying to understand why. Why does he feels so empty… so alone? For a long time, or what feels like a time in a pup’s world, the nebula pelted boy sits and watches, trying to think of something to say to the unreachable moon. Finally, his voice can be heard, a soft whisper against the sounds of the night, “Mommy? Are you up there?” He waits for an answer, instead receiving a pang of sadness when no one answers. With a sigh, the pup lowers his head and hunkers down into the grass, trying to understand.

Then, a sound tickles his ear causing the pup to raise his head and cast his gaze in the direction of the noise. It’s a song and it is calling him. Pushing himself to his paws, the purple pup moves closer, needing to find the source of the tune. Uncertainty lingers in steps, causing Kore to doubt himself but unable to stop.  He finds himself near the entrance of a den when he finally stops, worried eyes glancing around for adults. Is he supposed to be here? A heavy sadness weighs on the nebula boy tonight and perhaps he hears (or thinks he hears) that same deep sorrow in the tune. Whatever the reason, Kore is mesmerized by the song and he softly questions the night, “Who is singing that?” Bright eyes peek toward the den, uncertain if he should stay or leave.

"Kore Regni"