
mad scientist experiments




2 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
01-08-2022, 09:48 PM

The dark furred youngster was lounging in the old barn, where he'd taken to resting amongst the hay and listening to the gentle ambiance of the animals that lived there. The livestock came in and out, the snuffling sounds they made as they munched on the available food were almost guaranteed to lull him to sleep in the evenings. The barn swallow chicks were close to fledging, he heard them scrabbling in the rafters for almost the entire day lately. Soft chirps would often accompany a particularly loud scuffle, like the squeaky puppy barks that he and his siblings let loose while they wrestled. He was dimly aware of the soft pattering of small paws approaching the barn, but only when Acacius' voice rang out through the room calling his name did he fully regain his presence within his own mortal coil. The larger boy was promising some manner of "fixing", whatever that meant. Rousing himself and stumbling to his paws, the lanky child emerged from a pile of hay with stray strands covering his dark pelage from head to toe. As he took a few haphazard strides out of the grazing fodder, he found himself absentmindedly scenting the air. The now familiar aromas of sweet and savoury plants made him think of the man who had taken him foraging for plants. Was Acacius doing that too?

"What did you bring?" he crowed excitedly, tail wagging as he trotted over with renewed vigour. Sightless eyes were vaguely trained on the other boy, keen ears shoved forward with great interest. Already his sensitive nose was working away at trying to pick the floral aromas of the herbs apart, though he wasn't quite familiar with enough of them to pin down any specifics. Some of them had a tangy scent, others were undeniably flowers of one kind or another.
