
forever entangled



2 Years

The Ooze Participant
01-09-2022, 08:38 AM
Lillith worried about Roman being out in the sudden flash storm, the lightning and thunder felt violent even from her secure rooms. She wanted to sleep, but found that it wouldn’t come until Rom was safe beside her again. So she lay at the edge of the bed, holding one of the pillows to her chest as garnet gaze watched the lazy fire across the room. It really wasn’t so cold they needed it, but with the dark and damp she appreciated the commodity. She lay still, wallowing in the misery of her affliction, awaiting the one she loved.

Being without Roman at her side was uncomfortable at best, she knew they couldn’t be together all of the time it just wasn’t feasible. But right now, as her body betrayed her, all she wanted was Rom’s warm arms around her. As soon as he slipped past the door her head lifted from the soft furs to greet him with a warm smile. He was soaked to the bone, not that she was surprised with the downpour raging outside.

Romulus told her as much too. She chuckled at him as he told her exactly what she already knew. She was glad she stayed inside instead of patrolling too. Good thing she had the best boyfriend to cover while she didn’t feel so good. "You should have,” Lil giggled at him as he tried to rid the water from his coat by the blessed fire. She didn’t miss him latching the door either. Her dreamy eyes didn’t leave him as he looked out the windows, asking if she would prefer them open or closed.

"You can leave them open,” but she wouldn’t tell him no if he wanted them shut. Lightning flashed, illuminating the room and Roman for a minute as he was silhouetted by soft silver light. Lilith grinned and leaned back into the bed, listing her arms in obvious request for him to finally come join her. A grin played on her features, if there was one thing that gave her relief it was Roman’s handsome features.
