
Gambling the odds



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
01-09-2022, 02:21 PM

Ezra grinned when the boy agreed, giving him a nod in return. He glanced up through the trees briefly toward the pack lands when the boy asked him about if he was in the pack or not and he nodded again. "Don't worry, if it does I'll be with you so you can cross the border for it. It shouldn't get that far though," he replied with a sure grin. While he wouldn't necessarily claim to be the most proficient of hunters, he had certainly learned a lot and a fairly easy hunt like this wouldn't be a problem. The takin wasn't super large, at least not compared to some other things he had hunted, but it was just him and a young boy instead of the more seasoned hunters he usually hunted with so he'd have to take that into consideration.

"We'll keep it simple," he replied quietly when the blue-hued wolf asked what he should do and offered for him to take the lead. "I can probably take it down if I can get close enough. I'll go hide over there on the other side of where its standing and you run at it and chase it toward me. You might have to herd it a bit to keep it going in the right direction. When its close enough I'll ambush it." With the quick but effective plan in place he started to silently work his way around the clearing, moving from bush to bush so he wouldn't be seen until he was around to the other side. The takin was grazing as it slowly moved through the grove, only occasionally lifting its head to look at its surroundings. With the limp it had he probably could have caught it on his own, but he wanted the boy to be included as well.

Ezra Adravendi