
The Usual (Post-Raid Healing)



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
01-09-2022, 02:25 PM


The warriors of the raid began filing in after their victory. Some were a little worse for wear, but most just had scrapes and bruises. There was one in particular that would definitely need her help and as Artorias brought up the rear, she made a mental note to inspect his wound as well. Healers paired off with warriors and all were welcome to take from the bundles that had been prepared.

While Iolaire was finishing up one bundle, she heard the panicked squealing of someone behind her. Instantly the small, wiry woman jerked her head to the side, green and gold eyes narrowing and scanning for the culprit. A grey speckled fae was flailing and freaking out and Iolaire... was enraged. Taking up one of the packs of supplies in her dexterous paws, Io chucked it across the space at the girl before she began stalking towards her, not caring who else was with her. If it landed or not, she didn't know or care.

Coming up beside the woman, Iolaire growled low. "It's a healer's job to keep calm. The injured are upset and anxious enough. If you can't do that, get the hell out. This isn't a place for children." The older fae's piercing gaze flicked to the young man beside her. At least he seemed calm. "Clean the wounds first," she instructed the young man. From a cursory glance, they didn't look all that bad. Just a few bites here and there. They needed to be cleaned, salved, the ones on his forelegs needed to be wrapped. After a brief explanation and a promise to return to inspect their progress, Iolaire flashed another hard stare at the young fae and moved away.

Next she went to Artorias, inspecting the work that the colorful brute was doing on the wound in his foreleg. Io's eyes narrowed and she gave a nod and a few pointers before walking away to the next group. On and on she went, touching on each group of healers and warriors, inspecting the work done and making corrections as needed.

Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.