
I know who I want to take me home


08-19-2013, 08:07 PM

Rooted to the earth defiantly, the porcelain prodigy never allowed her gaze to swoop from the emaciated figure of the outsider, velveteen lips pulling taut over her bleached incisors to mirror the reaction her current adversary offered in return for her cruel words. The rage that evidently stained her visage only developed in vividness as the brat retaliated, causing the child?s vibrant eyes to widen due to her astonishment and disbelief with the confident vocalizations that spewed from the inferior?s jaws. ?Then your daddy must love his home as much as he loves you to have left both,? the pallid babe scoffed, a curt snort flaring leathery nostrils as she pivoted away from the female and towards her steaming father, pupils traversing the plains of the sable juvenile?s physique one last time before diverting to greet her father?s verdant gaze that was hazed by evident fury. It perplexed the child and the snarl that had manifested upon her countenance throughout her clash with Devya dissipated into nothingness as domineering growls reverberated in her father?s throat, causing the minuscule viper?s ears to careen backwards in slight fear and obvious confusion. She had predicted that her behavior would be met with satisfaction from her sibling and father, but it seemed that she had instead derived a negative response from the male and his reprimanding tones only confirmed her suspicion.

Although, externally, the child appeared to digest and accept each vehement word that arose from her father?s larynx, in reality his entire speech caused her blood to boil. ?And what do you know about being a good leader, inferior? As the male?s topic of speech shifted back to the abandoned child, the wench?s mandible clenched to buffer any further objections although they numbered at many, amethyst and metallic gaze refraining from returning to the teal of the outsider?s to instead search for her sibling?s lavender. As her pupils ensnared his, her upper lip just barely twitched to portray her dissatisfaction with the entire situation, tacitly vowing to the male that they would handle the weaker child at a later date. Without offering a departing sentiment or another glance back towards Devya or her father, the wench slunk back in the direction she had entered, slipping away into the underbrush to go share the great news with her mother.

exeunt artemis.