
forever entangled



3 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Hit!
01-09-2022, 06:29 PM

Lillith giggled and asserted that he should have stayed in bed with her today. Well, he certainly couldn't argue there! Gods damn his sense of duty and responsibility. Silver optics turned to meet the dreamy, floaty look in garnet eyes, seeing the grin playing on her features while she stared at him. He returned her grin with a crooked smile of his own, flashing his pearly teeth in the dim lighting. Lillith said he could leave the curtains open, so he did, instead waiting for the last remnants of dampness to dry from his fur before he went over to join her. It turned out Lillith didn't have nearly as much patience as he did, though, as the silver and snow Adravendi girl was already reclining back into the pillows and mattress with her forelegs outstretched, beckoning him to come join her.

Romulus didn't need to say a word. Satisfied with his degree of dryness, the young brute made his way over to their shared bed and climbed up on top of it to join her. The scent of Lil's heat had been heady in the confines of their bedroom, but up here right next to her, it was like an intoxicating perfume that threatened to overpower his senses. Something clenched in his core while he gazed down at the lithe, nubile form of his lover spread out across the bed beneath him, gazing up at him with heated bedroom eyes. By the gods, she was so damn beautiful...! He grinned back down at her, settling down to the bed beside her so he could wrap her smaller frame up in his strong arms, holding her close as he sank into the softness of the sheets and furs, letting her wind herself around him if she pleased.

"How, uh... How're you feeling?" asked Roman a touch awkwardly. He'd never been around a wolf in heat before, let alone one he was actively romantic with. He had no idea what Lillith was feeling or what her heat season felt like. All he knew was that she hadn't been feeling well and in general discomfort since the start of Auster's winter. He did also know that she smelled incredible and every breath through his nose made his stomach clench with an instinctual need he didn't recognize.
