
a long-awaited miracle

laeta walks!



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7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
01-09-2022, 08:19 PM (This post was last modified: 01-09-2022, 08:20 PM by Laeta. Edited 2 times in total.)

Laeta was grateful for Fern’s charity. The taller grey woman mentioned she didn’t feel a thing when she had bumped into her, and thus she was relieved. It felt good to know that she had yet another supportive packmate to help her in a trying time. Still, nothing could quite beat the feeling of being able to move again, and all the wondrous things that came with it that others took for granted. Walking the packlands. Patrolling. Hunting. Racing. And so much more - and the monochromatic woman was determined to regain her strength to do all that and more. Mel shifted towards her other side, providing a lower-set but still useful crutch. She was supported well on both sides, which would make her journey that much easier on her bones.

The older woman smiled softly as Fern spoke and suggested she could try and help her down to the gardens. If she could get down those stairs (with help, of course) then they’d be able to sit jn the sun and enjoy breakfast, something she hadn’t done on her own four legs since..well, it felt enough like forever to be forever. She sensed Mel’s nervousness about her wobbly condition, and Lae offered her companion a reassuring look before turning to Fern with a weak but eager wag of her tail. Even the wag was a welcome feeling, as it had been paralyzed like the rest of her. "You’ve got a deal," She said, determined.

As they began to take each step, inching closer to the stair’s, Lae felt more confident with each wobbly, uncoordinated step she took. Fern’s lowered shoulder and Mel’s smooth, lumbering gait help support her even as she faltered, stumbled, and shifted unevenly on bone-thin limbs. They looked more like thin, hollow sticks than wolf legs, paired with the pronounced ribs poking through her shiny coat and the spine etching its way under her pelt. She really did look like a walking skeleton enrobed in fur. Still, she mustered just enough strength to shuffle forward towards the stairs. Fern spoke again as she paused, and at the right moment as her breaths became increasingly ragged, and she had only walked about three feet. Fern’s condition was agreeable, and Laeta offered a nod in agreement. "That sounds good to me. I’ll definitely need to rest often," She replied, glancing over to Mel. The badger was worried, brow furrowed, but he had also not yet seen Lae’s capabilities as a moving, four-legged wolf once more. She had more determination than he yet realized. The badger turned his worry into his own determination - to protect the wolf, but also encourage her healing. Walking was part of that. He nodded in agreement as well, with a "Alright then, b-but do be careful on the stairs, my lady!" Laeta chuckled softly, a noise she had not uttered in so long. Her zest for life had been zapped over the past two seasons, and it felt like a rejuvenation of her mind and soul to be on track once more. As she took an inhale, she mustered a few more wobbly, shuffling steps to the top of the third-floor stairs. Glancing at Mel and then Fern, Lae was practically beaming - shaky legs and all. "We shall." With that, with Fern helping her as needed and Mel helping lift her legs as needed for the steps, they would begin to slowly but surely descend the stairs towards the garden.


comin' up for air in the deepest of the deep ends
i thought i learned it all, but boom, the plot thickens
laeta has a european badger companion named melis. he can speak and is assumed to be with her at all times.