
Love I Was Wounded For You


08-19-2013, 09:01 PM
Midnight had wandered from the pack, she just needed ome time alone and with the pack dens so full of pups and couples, sometimes she felt like the last wolf in the world who wasn't paired up. She had reached a lake the ground was rocky and she picked her way closer to the water stepping daintily on the stones reaching the water she waded in a way and dipped her head lapping at the crystalline water. The waterfall opposite blocked the sounds of anyone approaching as she slipped further into the water until it supported all her weight and she began to paddle around.

She had been though so much in the past few years, first the bear attack which had sent her running to Glacium then the battle with the same beast, they had lost Asheni and then Gargoyle had lost his rank. They had moved so much since then and she had never had a chance of finding a mate all the snow rouges where either already paired or far to young.

She took a deep breath and released it in a sigh as she turned heading for the bank. There was of cause another option, maybe she just was to plain to ever attract the interest of a male, she was black, 'a common colour' she thought and her feminine frame was hidden somewhat by the muscles she had developed, her life alone fighting for survival and then the constant moves had ensured that she had remained strong but now... Her coat was sopping wet as she reached the bank and she shook spraying water across the stones and making her hair stand on end, she thought of what what she must look like a little black hedgehog and with a little smile she settled down on the bank and began to groom straightening the dark locks into waves that hid the scars on her shoulder from view.

The water fall continued to tumble into the lake covering most all sounds and midnight focused on the task at hand did not immediately realise that she now shared the lake with another soul.