



6 Years
08-19-2013, 09:19 PM

The handsome male followed behind her, close but not intimately so. He was just staying near to be sure she didn't slip and cut herself again. When she laid down, he sat down a comfortable distance from her. ?Is there no water or winter where you grew up?? She was laughing now, really laughing. It was a funny thought considering that even the desert got rain. She didn't live in the desert though and given that her homeland had recently flooded it was hard to imagine anywhere without any water at all. "There's plenty of water and a good amount of winter. Not nearly as much as there is here, though."

She wondered if her knew their world, knew Alacritia. Given how far up he lived, she wondered too if he knew of another land, a place past the wonders of their region.

He was speaking again and as he did he lowed her body to the ground. She noted the proximity of their toes. ?I can assume your not from around here? So what brings you to the north?? Her eyes went back to the male, amber filled with interest in his words. "I am not from the north. Actually I live in the west, in Valhalla. And you?" Azalea didn't know much of the north, mostly that it was where Glaciem was found and all she knew of Glaciem was that some prick male with snow white fur and pink eyes had taken it over.

"What an ass. Coming into Valhalla thinking Chrysanthe would just hand over Liberty like property to be bought and sold." Her mind raged on, thoughts eating up her logical thoughts as she burnt up all the vile thoughts she had locked in the day she had come to know Isardis. Her eyes registered movement, mind not stopping its mental rant. When she realized what, or rather who, she was looking, her mind said the name at the same time the shadowy figure spoke to them. ?Back away from her. Slowly.?

Her heart dropped. It had been days since she had bothered Sarak, avoiding him out of fear of facing her feelings. She had come to realize that she liked him and had hoped in part that he would come find her rather than the usual way around. Instead they moved like ghosts, sifting through their daily tasks without noticing the other. It was painful existence made even more painful now to see the shape her was in. Had he stopped eating? Was he sick? The thought made her duck her head, shying away from the last sickness scare the two had endured. Embarrassing and awkward.

In addition to be pained at the sight of him, she felt guilty. Reflex made her look at Vixe with wide eyes which probably didn't help the situation in the least. Her mind was falling over itself, scattering wildly without knowing where or how to stop.

?Step away from the one who holds my heart in her paws.? Azalea heard his weak words but in the moment could hardly take notice, she was jumping to her feet and sprinting to him with her ears folded back. She sank before him, not submissive but concerned. "Sarak! Sarak, what have you been doing? Or rather what haven't you been doing?" She was frowning heavily. Azalea couldn't stay still though, moving from paw to paw trying to alleviate the anxiety she felt. Vixe surely wondered what was going on, or who this dark male was. Did he feel threatened by Sarak? Surely no with the state Sarak was in? Why was she even worried about that?