
Diamonds and Platinum




2 Years

Pride - Bisexual
01-11-2022, 07:37 PM
Azzurra watched his face for a long moment, trying and failing to decipher his expression. She felt like at one point in their lives she might have been able to read him like an open book, but as they got older it felt more like the pages were getting blurry and hard to read. She didn’t doubt that he loved her, she just wasn’t sure how healthy their love was. Then again, how would she know? The only example of a relationship she had ever been exposed to was their parents and that had been nonexistent at best.

When his paw shifted from her back to wrap around her waist and his other paw slipped away from hers to slip around her shoulder to pull her into him she didn’t resist. As uncertain as she still was, her frayed nerves were desperate to feel anything akin to love and pleasure. She lifted her muzzle to meet his when he leaned down to kiss her and as she kissed him for a long, lingering moment she let herself get lost in the feeling. It was easy to let the last of her resolve crumble while she tasted his familiar lips with her eyes closed, letting that need be sparked in her get wound up tight in her core.

When she did finally slip away from his kiss she did so with a soft gasp, breathing more heavily as she blinked open her eyes to look up at him. She was quiet for a moment before she asked in a slightly breathless, hushed tone, “Will you… Will you make me feel good, Balthier?” She needed to be surrounded by him, reminded of the love he always showed her, even if she had to risk seeing the uncertainty and guilt etched on his face afterward.

"Azzurra & Balthier"