
Icy Exploration




Intermediate Healer (45)

Expert Hunter (180)

6 Years

01-10-2022, 03:59 AM
The polar bear slid to a stop at her voice, going as far to look over its shoulder at her, but then it just as quickly decided to return to chasing down the other wolf. A pity. She continued her mad sprint towards the two creatures, lengthening her stride as far as her long legs could go, watching as the wolf bravely, and also quite stupidly, jumped on the shoulders of the polar bear. If she hadn't been at a dead sprint and heaving in lungful's of air she would've scoffed at the sight, one wolf versus one polar bear was a dumb idea, but perhaps the wolf was taking a risk due to her presence.
Iðunn didn't even bother to slow down, knowing it would just lead to her slipping and falling at the speed she was travelling, so she instead pushed off the ice with her hind legs into the air. Her open jaws snapped at the open and bare neck of the polar bear that was presented to her as itr turned its head to try and grab at the wolf on its shoulders. She felt her jaws connect with flesh, and as an added benefit her momentum carried her body forward, and with a sharp wrench she forcefully dragged the polar bear by its neck along with her, before her paws finally met ice once more to come to a skidding stop.
A deep and feral snarl left her enclosed jaws, even as the muscles in her mouth and chin ached from the sudden stop to her forward movement. Just as quickly as she had grabbed the polar bear by its neck Iðunn released it, pushing herself backwards and away from its face hopefully before it could try swiping at her. She was probably more in danger on the ground compared to the wolf sitting on its shoulders, and she wanted to dart out of its reach before getting a large clawed paw to the face or body.
When Iðunn's speech is in italics it means she's speaking in Swedish