

Silent I


11 Years
08-19-2013, 09:33 PM (This post was last modified: 08-19-2013, 09:36 PM by Silent I.)

As Bronze was lovingly bestowing kisses and attention to their sleeping puppies, Silent was still sleeping. The past month and a half of being a new mother for the gazillionth time had taken its toll on her, physically and mentally. Due to not being the young vixen she once was, the needs of her children sapped the energy from her like warmth taken from someone on winter's night. She had been cut out for motherhood, 'tis true, but having four puppies at once was something she wasn't used to. It had always been one - even two - pups with each birthing. Four was definitely a challenge and she knew that they would be once they were out and at her side.
So, Silent slept on, hoping that she didn't put too much of a strain on Bronze. Her beloved husband was up in age as well, so her concern for his health was important to her as their last litter's. The temporary state of being in her own mind and dreamland made it easier to slip in and out of her thoughts with no disturbances. As her respirations were even and unlabored, the images in her mind were swirling and fading in and out of focus. She continued to see the night of being reunited with Bronze, when she thought she had lost him forever to another source of life. Who knew that after meeting him again from years of being apart, they would be here now, with pups and enjoying their last season or two of life? Despite loving them all with her very being, Silent was still surprised it had all happened. The puzzle pieces had fallen into place.
The sunlight had begun to spread through the opening of their den, finally deciding to stretch out and reach the sleeping family. A bit of the warmth touched Silent's nose, making her sneeze and lightly jump from the result. The quiet atmosphere of her sleeping pups was broken and soft whimpers broke the silence that had been a blanket over the family. Silent's emerald eyes open, no longer bearing the tired expression she had kept since the first night of being their mother. It is amazing what sleep could do for someone.
A smile broke across Silent's face as she looked down at their children. All four were in different sleeping positions, proof that their personalities would be the same as they grew. Mercury was sprawled on his right side, resting like Bronze did when he was on the other side of the den on some nights. Ara was curled in a ball, nose touching her tiny tail. She reminded Silent of a cannon ball, something that humans used in war a long time ago. Jendai, her little white and black body, was sprawled on her stomach with all four legs sticking out, head resting squarely on Silent's belly. Her tiny ears perked and moved as she tried to go back to sleep. It wasn't until she saw that one was missing. Where, oh where, was her Faolan? The proof was evident when she heard a whimper below her head. Looking down, Silent saw that her silvery son had chosen his spot between her front limbs. She raised an eyebrow at how his small form had formed a nest-like bundle between her front legs. She lightly chuckled and nuzzled Faolan's sleeping body before leaning over to nuzzle the other three.
After showing love to all four babies, Silent raised her gaze to meet the sweet eyes of Bronze. She sighed happily and a smile broke across her face when she whimpered for his touch. Disappointment was something she didn't feel as she felt his muzzle against her own. She rubbed her cheek against his, eyes closed as she enjoyed the touch he provided. "Mmmmornin'," she murmured, yawning and flipping her ears back to avoid a headache from the sudden use of her jaw muscles. Her tail lightly hit the ground as she opened her eyes and admired the handsome work Nature had done to Bronze's aging face. "How long have you been up, sweetheart?" She cooed softly.
