
This was a stupid idea



Advanced Fighter (85)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

5 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut1KValentines 2020Trick 2019
01-10-2022, 11:15 AM
While he was in temporary exile, in preparation for his brother's likely vengeance on his return, Eligos chose to take the time to set the pack up for more success under whoever succeeded him than it had enjoyed under his own insular reign. They'd taken one hit after another after another and had not been able to regain their footing between tragedies to prosper. Well, no longer. Aerie would prosper even without him, if he had any say in the matter at all. It would involve making nice with the other alphas, something that in several cases filled him with distaste. Valhalla was a simple one, since they had already worked together in the past - he would likely save them for last, before he finally returned home. But others would not be so simple, and he decided to get at least one of those over with while he still had the conviction that he should, and hadn't managed to convince himself that no, he didn't need to do this.

When he stood upon the border, he thought maybe he should have let himself convince himself, because they were the last pack he wanted to be visiting. Still, he raised his head and called out to announce himself to the pack.

The Armada.

Cypher and Kida exchanged a glance behind him before moving up to flank him. Neither of them had particularly kind thoughts towards the pack that had raided them as soon as they'd moved north, either, though Cypher's were considerably more charitable than either Eligos or Kida and he watched alertly around them, his doggie expression clearly troubled. Kida too was alert, though much sharper about it with suspicion writ large in her movements. Eligos on the other hand was at his most shut down and expressionless, bloodred gaze flat as he watched the pack lands.