



10 Years
08-19-2013, 10:01 PM

A soft whimper escaped a young girl's lips as she felt herself being roused from sleep. Merely a month and a half old, she was just beginning to experience the world around her -- albeit from the safety of her den. But she preferred to stay close to her parents, knowing they were near if she needed them. Already she was beginning to love them dearly, knowing they brought nothing but safety and happiness. Still, perhaps unsurprisingly, she preferred the silence of sleep, the safety it offered her. Everything that she saw outside the den seemed so big and unfamiliar and dangerous. Her daddy had told her that soon she could explore, and that he would keep her safe ... she trusted him more than anything, but still felt unsure about the prospect of going somewhere new.

There was no doubt in Ara's mind that the slightly rougher licks and nudges that woke her were coming from her father; he was always a bit less gentle than her mother. A smile curled the corners of the tiny girl's lips upward, though her eyes remained firmly shut. Another happy whimper left her throat, the sound loud enough to vibrate her entire little body. Briefly she shivered, feeling slightly cool air touch her skin as she wriggled about, snuggling closer between her parents. Though she was rather withdrawn at times, even at such a young age, it was next to impossible to ignore such loving embraces from any member of her family. Her smile widened rather noticeably as he continued lather her in attention. One eyelid opened slowly, watching as he continued to nudge her other three siblings as well. It was rather obvious he wanted them to wake up, but why -- she was not sure. Usually they were allowed to sleep as long as they wished. Maybe today was different for some reason?

Finally her eyes were both open, wide orbs of blue, as she stared up at Bronze. He was so big, and she was so small -- she considered him her protector, the one who would never let anything bad happen to her ever. A third whimper left her lips as she nuzzled into the thick fur of his chest, turning her head to gaze silently at her mother. Behind her small body, her tail had begun to wag happily, glad to see her parents awake and smiling right back at her. What more could she ask for, in all the world? The girl was silent as ever as she wriggled over her mom, placing a kiss on the underside of her muzzle as she leaned as her parents nuzzled closer to one another.