
Don't Try To Make Me Feel Bad

Kefka, Alastor



5 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Critical Fail!
01-10-2022, 09:52 PM

Kefka had probably been less practiced in the way of fighting while he had only faced off a few predators on his travels and he certainly wasn't expecting to be chastised when he reached Relm. He wasn't expecting a lot of things, but here he was repeating history only this time his abuse and rape wasn't justified, at least through his own eyes of what he did to Agria.

Alastor grasped onto his muzzle, snapping down with a force he had known himself before Relm. He and Alastor were alike in a lot of ways, though maybe not all. It was probably why they were beside each other at one time and also probably why they rivaled.

Alastor's hold around his muzzle caved slowly, just that first attack had him riddled with an unbearable pain from his jaw and the bridge of his nose breaking into pieces, a disgruntled noise fell out of his throat not only because Alastor had his jaw sewn shut, but because of the pain that opening it would have caused. Alastor was so very not done with him. His ruby claws dug under the surface of his skin, making his whole body tense and twinge, when he made it to his eye Kefka attempted to thrash his head around in Alastor's grasp probably helping pop the all black optic out of socket while his groans were muffled by his snapped jaw. It was difficult to see emotion through their dark eyes, but when Alastor looked into Kefka's it was a pure horror and hatred.

With his release, Kefka's jaw fell loosely from his mouth while he wasn't able to keep it closed himself. If Alastor was looking for a scream, it was only a hummed hiss in the back of his throat. Alastor slammed his head down repeatedly, his skull cracking and blood pooling from the cut skin and punctured eye that wiggled at the mercy of the ruby claw. Laying there on the ground, ahead of him he saw Relm who hadn't moved from when Alastor removed him from her.

Alastor threw him across the ground, Kefka weakly trying to put his paws underneath of himself but he must have known that at this point his death was coming or that he would at least wish he was dead with just his current condition, not even more. Alastor pounded over him, grabbing his leg and twisting it at ungodly angles until the joints snapped and crumbled apart. Alastor's ruby claws prickled into the side of his ribs flipping him over onto his back, only prickled because it seemed like his nerves had almost turned numb from the blood loss and the aching he felt.

Alastor ripped through the flesh over his ribs in a curved fashion, holding his legs down as he sliced into his genitals, again the pain came back while the needle claws slid through the sensitive areas of his skin. Kefka's hind leg broke free from Alastor's hold, flicking back with force in reflex to what he had endured. His eyes weren't looking at the executioner, he was too far along on his train to certain death. The kick to Alastor caused his paw to rip through his balls which also resulted in an instinctual kick back across Alastor's face. It was almost like he had this jolt of energy, jolt of life as his final moments were upon him, lifting his body up in a flash to bite down on Alastor's leg though... his jaw was broken and locked in place when it found it's solid ground.

Alastor's paw thrusted towards Kefka's face as he forced his jaws apart, ripping his face nearly in half leaving Kefka to pour out blood from his throat where his tongue used to be. He struggled little as Alastor moved down to finish the job, slow at first of course and waited until just the right final pumps of his heart to end it.

A well deserved brutal death for what Kefka had done to Agria, and what he could have done to Relm.

-Exit Kefka via Death-

Walk "Talk" Think

!Rated R! For language and sexual themes. Prone to violence.

(Kah-ef-kah Ah-brax-us)

Scent: Roses
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Season: Winter
Status: Single (Heterosexual)
Height: 40 inches
Home: Grapevine Cathedral
Maims: Sheath scarring, barely noticeable unless someone is actually looking there while he is belly-up

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