
forever entangled



3 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Hit!
01-11-2022, 04:25 AM

Romulus saw the absolute giddy glee on Lillith's beautiful features when he did finally join her up on their bed. Her grin seemed to sparkle in the glow of the firelight and her garnet gaze held something far more primal and needy than he'd ever seen in her eyes before. It was as if there was a wild animal locked up inside Lil that was trying to get out of the shy Adravendi girl at all costs. He murred when she looped her slender forelegs around his neck in response to his embrace, holding her close so their chests pressed together. Lillith took their cuddle a step further by pressing the delicate curves of her belly up against his, making sure there wasn't an inch of space between them at any point. Roman hummed in delight, enjoying the warmth and softness of her pressed up against him, the way her silky fur felt mingling with his, and just how holding her like this felt so, so right.

In truth, Roman had asked how she felt because he had no idea what she was experiencing right now. He was not naive to the ways of biology, and had lessons in sexual wellness from his family before he'd left home. What he hadn't known is what it was like to actually be with someone who was experiencing those effects. Besides the mouthwatering scent that made him want to bury himself in her all the time, Lil seemed much more cuddly and clingy to him—not that he was complaining, of course! Having his gorgeous girlfriend hanging off of him nearly 24/7 was any young brute's dream come true. Yet even as she buried her face in the thick fur of his throat right beneath his jaw, he couldn't help but be cautious. Surely Lillith had the same lessons he had though, right? She'd know all about how to prepare with contraceptives and other symptom relieving herbs, especially given that she came from a pack of talented healers. At least, that's what he told himself.

Lillith was all right, according to her, then admitted she was better now that she had him to cuddle with. A flash of his rakish grin and a chuckle came from the silver and slate brute. "I'm happier now that I'm cuddling you too," he agreed in a husky whisper. She squeezed herself around him more, and Roman was fairly sure the only way Lil could get closer to him was to fully wrap her legs around his waist. She explained how she was feeling, then drifted off with a blush to her cheeks. Roman could read between the lines when she said she really wanted him here. "Oh yeah?" he teased her back, dipping his snout to brush along the side of her muzzle before slipping back with a gentle lick to the end of her nose. "Well, I'm here now... so what comes next now that you have me here?" Oh yes, he was teasing her and playing with her. It was far too much fun getting to see her squirm and blush in the most adorable manner! Plus Romulus just generally enjoyed the tempting foreplay they'd started to build up together over time.
