
brave as a noun




Intermediate Intellectual (50)

Beginner Hunter (0)

3 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
01-11-2022, 08:31 AM
It was no surprise that Zoey would wind up getting herself into a place like this to explore. She had a knack for finding the smallest of spaces within the smallest of things, and weaving her tiny puppy body through them much like a cat squeezing through its little flap door. The stone buildings had captured her attention before the yearling had come across this particular building, and the little child was in great awe of the place. "Woah.." She whispered as she cautiously slipped through the little gap that would later accomodate the male. The russet child felt some prickle of ‘stranger danger’ as she entered - as if she wasn’t supposed to be here. With a soft frown, the girl stood in the remenants of what was once a lavish and furnished room, now sparsely decorated and left to the erosion of time. Her brow furrowed as she recalled what her parents told her when they were beginning to fall ill aith that weird ooze from the seasons before. Not all wolves will want to befriend you, They told her, rather sternly in fact. Sometimes they don’t have your best interests in mind. Keep yourself safe if you’re alone, hide if you must. Look out for yourself. She shook her head, as if shaking off an inpleasant memory of her parents would help. Though their words did stick, she felt completely alone in the moment. This place was a bit eerie, and foreign in design, but it was fascinating! Zoey marveled at the menial trinckets that littered the floor, abandoned by theives long ago. She examined bits and bobs - vases and little containers that used to hold cigarettes and jewelry. But she didn’t know that, so her little brain was wracked with confusion as she grabbed an ashtray clumsily in her soft paws and sniffed it. "Ew,” She wrinkled her nose at the faint but stale stink of old cigarettes, placing it where she had found it and continuinf deeper into the room.

All was going well - her fluffy tail wagged as goggle-laden eyes scanned her surroundings, adjusting the the dark with relative ease. So much to do, so much to see! She was having a ball with figuring out what all these things - no, relics were from. Maybe some weird species of wolf once used these as their packlands - oh, that would make sense. Though she didn’t know what they’d need a flat surface with sticks poking out the bottom that could barely fit anything on it. There were several of thise that she didn’t realize were called ‘chairs’. The chikd got into a rhythm of scanning weird objects, examining them, and theorizing their uses as she began to hum a soft melody her parents used to sing her. It was broken when she overheard a soft noise. Perking her ears, she noticed a faintly glowing shape pop through the same crack in the wall she had. Through the darkness, she made him out to be a wolf, but her parents’ words in her early memory rang painfully in her mind. What would this guy want in here? Was it his house? Had she intruded? Instead of rushing to greet him, the girl quickly ducked behind a nearby counter, barely daring to peek at the armored wolf through the edge of said counter with wide eyes. She was curious, but quickly dipped back into her hiding spot, wondering what to do as her survival mechanism kicked in. Greet him and hope he wouldn’t attack, or hide until he went away? He did have armor on..that meant he was a warrior of sorts. She knew that much. She forced her breaths to quiet down, curling her body inwards.