
Blue Skies



3 Years
08-19-2013, 11:00 PM

Kamala pricked her ears in the other wolf's direction even as she directed her gaze out towards the river, unsure how to react now that she had essentially spilled her soul to this strange wolfess. And yet, this female wasn't judging her. It was the kind of thing that Kamala needed to hear; the words that rolled off of Aeil's tongue were comforting to the quiet she-wolf. Maybe Aeil didn't know her as well as Maverick did, but she seemed to know exactly what to say to make Kamala feel at least a little better. "It's all right," Kamala managed to smile in the other's direction, "My mother was too far gone to be saved. It's better that she's happy now, I suppose." Did she believe that? In all honesty, Kamala wasn't sure. But she liked to remember her lovely, fiery mother the way that she had been when Kamala was young and her family still close. That was the way that Kamala would remember her mother, and she would believe that in death, she had returned to the state.

Glancing at the female when she spoke, Kamala examined the wolfess, ears still pricked attentively in her direction. "I don't know about being a key component, but I will always do my best for the Kingdom." That much was the entire truth, at least. She would put the Kingdom first, before herself in all cases. The kingdom mattered more than a single wolf. That was simply the facts of the matter; the bare bones, with no sentimentality clouding her thoughts. She would ensure that the Kingdom carried on.

Would it get better? Kamala wasn't sure; the facts would never change. The truth would always be that she could have helped her mother more, that she could have done more for Valkis, that she wasn't good enough for Gideon. There would be no changing that. But perhaps, time would let her look at these things in a more detached manner. That was possible, Kamala knew. After all, before the death of her mother, she had been thinking of Valkis less and less, allowing herself to move past his disappearance and probable death. "I do hope that it does," Kamala murmured, half to herself, "Thank you, Lady Aeil. It truly does mean a lot to me, what you've said today." Aeil had said the kinds of thing that Kamala needed to hear.