
Danger In The Sky



08-19-2013, 11:05 PM
The massive king was rather restless as of late. He has finally reached sexual maturity, so naturally the testosterone in his body was rampaging. He hadn't seen another feline in a while, or a worthy mammal. Despite his location he felt rather lonely. The only companionship he had was the prey that flourished in the territory below him, but that never lasted long. With a heavy sigh the man placed a paw beneath his chin and rested his head on it. It was midnight, so darkness plagued everything around him- but since he was a nocturnal animal, he was in his element. He could see as clearly as he could if it were day, so he wasn't bothered by the darkness. In fact he loved it.

Salmon colored tongue rolled out of his mouth as he yawned. Boredom was a horrible thing. He needed something to do, but what was there to do? He was alone as far as he knew. He was just about to leap down from the tree branch he was perched on, but something stopped him. An odd scent wafted across his nostrils, and he couldn't help but scrunch his nose. What in the hell was that? He remained still, waiting for someone to come. A figure coming his way appeared, and he couldn't help but smile. Oh, this should be fun- a toy had come to play with him! He waited for who and whatever it was to come within feet from his tree. "It isn't wise to trespass within a felines territory." His voice was smooth, and there wasn't hint of aggression it- but it was serious. He wouldn't pounce on this toy just yet, at least not until he saw who it was.