
Diamonds and Platinum




2 Years

Pride - Bisexual
01-11-2022, 09:39 PM
Azzurra hadn't even really considered their location before she made her request of Balthier, at least not until she saw him look around at the clearing that the gazebo sat in. Her ears flicked back bashfully as she was reminded that they were technically in the open despite the thick jungle they had crossed to reach this place and the greenery that grew up around the gazebo, blocking the view out on some parts of it. For a split second she almost took it back and insisted that they go back to the bungalow first, but before she could say anything she felt his strong and careful hold around her and he shifted her onto her back. His instruction for her to keep quiet made her face flush red, but she returned the little grin he gaze shyly. She didn't feel the same kind of nerves that she had their first time together any more, but her stomach still flipped and fluttered with butterflies as he moved to settle over top of her, the weight of him against her familiar and strangely comforting. For as long as she could remember they had always snuggled close and his scent had often been a source of calm in the turbulent sea of her life so moments like these were no different despite the very different connotation this had.

Her heart skipped and beat against her chest as he pulled her hips to his, feeling their fur brush and mingle together as he pulled her closer. Her lips found his again and the feeling chased away any lingering pain or doubt, instead fully immersing herself in the physical pleasure that could wipe her always tormented thoughts like nothing else. She wished that she could feel like this all of the time, latching onto the high that his love, attention, and pleasure could bring. Her delicate forelegs wrapped around the back of his neck, her pale toes holding onto dark fur while they kissed and she felt that need and fire tighten up her core, warming her from the inside out. When they finally joined together again she briefly broke their kiss with a gasp, her toes gripping tighter to his fur. Any worry or care was so far from her mind in that moment and it was addictive how good he could make her feel. She only pulled away from his lips again when her lungs demanded it, but she didn't go far, instead leaning her cheek into his while she panted to try and keep her breath.

Remembering his warning to keep quiet, she buried her face into the thicker fur around his neck as they reached the peaks of their pleasure, holding on tight to him while she trembled from it. She tried to keep all her reactions behind gritted teeth, but she wasn't completely successful as the occasional soft whine or gasp would escape her. It wasn't until they were both done that she managed to relax back into the wooden floor of the gazebo and let her grip around his neck loosen. The reality slowly started to trickle in as the sweet glow of tingling pleasure settled over her and she kept her face in the crook of his neck to avoid seeing his expression. She didn't want anything to ruin this cloud that was carrying her and it was easier to live in blissful ignorance than it was to face however he was feeling in that moment. She nuzzled into his dark fur and just enjoyed the feeling of him surrounding her for a while before they would eventually have to face reality again and go back to bed.

"Azzurra & Balthier"