


08-19-2013, 11:40 PM

((Seren said she'd throw Aeron in with us in a bit :D ))

Fear... It had always been present in the young girls mind although she would probably never consciously recognize it on her own. She had grown up with such beautiful voices flowing around her, especially that of her mothers, tempting her and yet silencing her at the same time. What if she spoke and her voice wasn't nearly as enchanting as her mothers or her brothers? Jacques had always had a pretty voice, Aeron as well but more the way he pronounced things then his actual tone. It wasn't open that any hint of emotion seeped into his words no matter what he was talking about. Some part of her wanted to try but a bigger part of her was afraid of failing, so many doubts were present in her mind especially after attempting to use her voice today. What if she tried and her voice was broken or didn't live up to the high standards her family had placed on her? What if she tried and she simply couldn't? At least right now she could live under the illusion that she simply didn't want to speak.

He arose quickly, scrambling to follow her after she motioned for him to follow and a smile slid across her lips as her shoulders shook with silent laughter. His long legs closed the distance between them quickly but she set off further north before he was directly beside her. She moved at a long legged trot, head lowered and sniffing until she realized that she could smell nothing around the blood rabbit in her jaws. Frowning she paused, turned and tossed the rabbit at Taurig. If he caught it then great but if not she hoped he would understand that she was asking him to carry it for her. Funny how half a rabbit made her feel so much stronger already... She didn't miss a beat, sneezing to rid her nose of any blood she may still have blocking her senses before starting off at her trot again, this time with her head lowered and nose to the ground. Aeron's scent was in the area but it wasn't especially fresh, hopefully he was nearby and would either see her or be looking for her. A girl could hope...
