
forever entangled



2 Years

The Ooze Participant
01-12-2022, 11:02 AM
His soft murrs of pleasure could have echoed her own as they cuddled up in bed and pressed themselves together. Or Lil pressed herself to him and Roman held her. Dark toes wound in the thick fur at his scruff as she felt tingles trickle down her spine as she sighed contentedly against him. Like this was always where she was meant to be, or like there was nowhere else as perfect as in his arms. She grinned into his fur for as long as she could. Like Roman assumed, Lillith did have the capability and knowledge to dose her own contraceptives, and she did and would following. The girl didn’t feel like she was quite ready to be a mom yet, and that was exactly where all of this stemmed from. Her body’s revolt, her scent, the primal need for the boy in her arms. Mentally she was far from ready, physically she was more than ready.

She pulled back only slightly when she spoke, seeking out his silvery gaze with her own of garnet. Lil wanted to be close to him, closer even than wrapped up in his arms as she was now. It was hard to let him go, or stop touching him. Her toes and claws trailed through the fur on his neck as she gazed up lovingly upon him. It was good to know that he was happier being in here with her, but that wasn’t a great comparison to patrolling in a thunderstorm. Another huge bolt struck the ground, illuminating the room for a brief moment before the booming thunder shook the very end they were laying in. Lil startled and hugged him tighter, but even that wasn’t enough to distract her fully from Roman’s presence.

His teasing quickly moved her attention back to him as he asked after her trailed off words, she knew that he knew exactly what she was talking about. Her very subtle words mixed with her obvious desperation to be close to him made it more than obvious. Rom kissed her nose, teasing her further as he asked her what was next now that she had him again. He easily coaxed a bright red blush over her delicate cheeks. "Well, um…” She stuttered slightly, trying to find the words that weren’t coming.

Instead she looked up at him shyly, her paws stilling behind his neck. One ivory paw shifted, trailing through silvery fur as she brought her dark pads to Rom’s cheek. Still blushing and unable to rid herself of the grin that played over her features the girl leaned forward to press her lips to Roman’s. Once she tasted him the deep instinctual urges within were multiplied. She’d never wanted or needed him so bad. She pulled him closer, closing her ruby eyes as she felt herself fall against him, kissing him deeply and replacing any need for words with actions. Her pink tongue slipping from her own lips as she traced over Rom’s dark lips and pearly teeth. A soft hum slipped from her as she kissed him, her desire plain as day while she clung to him.
