
Remember the Name



08-20-2013, 12:34 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

The wolf had done everything right to win over the timid creature's judgment. He had proven himself gentle and kind by offering her the strongest show of submission she could have ever expected to get, promising that he was truly there with good intent. His words, gently spoken, had been kind and hardly prying, respectful of her privacy and still friendly in their soft-spoken manner. Honestly, she could not have asked for better company to have stumbled upon completely by accident. Which made it strange that she found herself so strongly unable to meet his gaze, even after realizing she could. Pale green eyes were endlessly curious as they stared at her, but there was something, something that she could almost recognize but could not name, something that spoke of a growing intensity she had no idea how to take. And so she chose to ignore it, avoiding eye contact as she had been doing and pretending that it was not there in the first place.

A sweetly worded compliment rolled from Knight's lips and directly following he began to rise. The movements were slow and cautious, done with just the right sort of care not to startle Mercianne, and she lifted her eyes enough to watch as he did. He was trying, she could see, to make an effort and show her in the little ways that he could that he was nothing more than a friend if she would let him be, and though a small part of her still worried, that natural mother's instinct that saw danger in everything, the edges of her lips began to minutely rise into the hint of a smile. He bowed, formal and polite, as he stated what an honor it was to have met her. Unused to such displays, the smile about Merci's face became slightly more pronounced, flattered through the nervous way the formalities made her wish to fidget.

He kindly fell silent, and though she truthfully had nothing left to tell him, she could feel the weight of the silence begin to bear down on her. After all, he had been the last one to speak. It seemed only right that she return the favor and keep the conversation going if only a little while longer. Still the thoughts of those sweetly sleeping pups tugged at her mind and body, a constant reminder that she was ultimately needed elsewhere, but if her current company had proven himself so gentlemanly she doubted informing him at least of her hunting excursion that they would be put directly in harm's way. Expressing the trust he had started to win over from the creamy white she-wolf, Mercianne let slip the phrase she had initially intended to say when she had first seem him. "I was just hunting. A quick meal," she explained, her tail tip still twitching restlessly. Was there even anything worth catching in this part of the lands? The longer she stayed put, the slimmer she felt her chances of actually being successful. Feeling a little hopeful and a lot desperate, she dared to ask, "Have you seen anything?"