
Not Moving On




Master Intellectual (375)

Master Hunter (370)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipDouble MasterThe Ooze Participant
01-12-2022, 04:12 PM

The answer she received was short, simple, and to the point. Celeste couldn't blame the girl, she was busy working. But the prospect of getting a good meal out of it did sound pleasant. Listening to the girl's instructions, Celeste nodded curtly before hopping down into the pit to finish out the work that girl was doing. Using her petite paws to finish out the middle section of the hole, she made use of what she could. Dirt flung up the other side as she finished her section. Her ears tuned in to the other girl finishing the tripwire at the other end.

When her first part of the job was done, Celeste hopped out and looked over. Taking a few steps back to give Duchess room to place the premade net over the top of the hole, no words left her lips as she nodded again. Turning away to find some larger leaves and some brush, she made some more quick work of hurrying along. Upon returning, the girl was waiting patiently. A soft rumble echoed in her belly as she placed the brush and leaves over the netting. Hiding the trap neatly, she was happy with her work. Turning her head up to look at the other girl, she smiled quickly before giving her shoulders a roll.

This would be her favorite part. "Let's go," she chirped before setting off with Duchess to find some sort of animal to hunt. Letting her ears turn about as her nose wiggled, scenting out anything, in particular, her attention caught on something. Not far from where they were, lazing about in the shallow waters around the rivers, a small group of hogs grunted. Figuring chasing these hooved creatures would be easiest since they couldn't fly away, Celeste turned her trajectory toward them. Eyeing Duchess on her way to make sure the girl was still following, Celeste wove a path around the berth of the hogs.

Taking her position behind them so they didn't see her quite yet, she waited for the other girl to be in position. Inhaling a breath to ready herself, Celeste launched out toward the herd with snapping teeth. Pushing them forward as they squealed in terror, Celeste's aquamarine eyes hardened with anticipation. Keeping toward the back and slightly to the side so the hogs wouldn't veer off, she helped the other girl drive them toward the pit. It wouldn't take long until the first hogs of the group tripped over the wire and fell into the pit. Thankfully for Duchess' clever idea of the tripwire, most of the group ended up toppling in.

Skidding to a halt in front of the pit, Celeste looked over to Duchess as her tongue lolled out of her mouth. "That was fun," she commented as she caught her breath. Leaping down into the pit to help finish off the pigs, her coat quickly covered in splatters of blood. When the job was done, she hopped out and looked over to Duchess. "So what do you think? Have enough to split?" She asks straightforwardly.

word count: 1700/1500