


08-20-2013, 12:45 AM

beginning to the end

The silvery ball of fluff was curled up between Silent's legs, comfortable as he could be. Given the thick fur that he had from Bronze, he felt as if he was resting on a small pin cushion of his own pelt. That was something he wished would never go away! He lazily shifted his weight to the other side of his body, but failed to coil back into the fetal position he had obtained during his slumber. Although this happened, Faolan returned to his sleep and didn't make too much of a fuss over losing his balance.
Sleep wanted to take him back, but some other outside force was preventing him from going with it. Nuzzles and licks from two wolves, both of whom he adored endlessly, were making his subconscious waken from its long nap. A mental sigh escaped the young pup and he submitted to his parents' affectionate prods. Words weren't shared to his siblings, but mere touches here and there. Those were what the young male was used to from his parents. With that, he decided it was time to wake up.
Usually, his mother preferred to let them sleep. 'After all,' she had said to his father, 'they are growing babies and need as much nourishment as possible.' With that confirmed idea in his mind, Faolan took to sleep like white on rice. This morning was different, however, but he quickly adapted to the change. His little jaws parted, a yawn escaped, and he shook his little head to shoo away the sleep that still hung like a curtain.
Faolan looked up to see Ara nuzzle their dad, then lean into Silent's chest fur. He raised a tiny brow and realized she was going to put all her weight on him. It was too late when the silver fluff ball decided to move -- Ara had moved across him and squished his hind legs beneath her weight! A soft yelp escaped Faolan's lips and he immediately moved from the sudden twinge of pain and weight. He rose to all four legs, turning so he was facing Ara with a dark green stare. Forget about trying to get some extra nap Z's now. This was an even better opportunity!
He yipped at Ara in a playful tone, lowering his front half to the ground and made as if he was going to tackle her small body. His booty in the air with his short tail wagging side to side, Faolan rose and quickly closed the gap between his sister and himself. Unfortunately, Faolan didn't see his mother's leg that hadn't moved since the night before. His own stubby front legs clashed with hers and he ended up rolling after tripping himself up. Faolan missed his target, which was Ara, and instead continued to roll a couple of more times until his back hit Silent's other front limb. So, Faolan's end result was him laying upside down with his hind legs in the air, looking up from the ground to see his mother and sister peering down at him with interested curiosity. He couldn't help but wag his tail and whimpered a soft apology to his sister.

Puppy Talk

we are alive