
Rough Indestructible Surface

Alastor, Irilyth



Master Healer (240)

Expert Intellectual (190)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

7 Years

Pride - Bisexual
01-12-2022, 09:09 PM (This post was last modified: 01-12-2022, 09:10 PM by Irilyth. Edited 1 time in total.)

Irilyth made sure Relm took the emergency contraceptive despite the grimace she pulled when she took a tentative sniff of the decoction. Yes, she knew it would not be pleasant, but it would be a far cry better than enduring an unwanted pregnancy or putting her body through an abortion. The sandy blonde fae breathed a sigh of relief along with Alastor when Relm drank the tincture, taking the empty vial back from Relm and stashing it in her satchel once more. She hadn't noticed her patient trying to scurry off until Alastor barked an order at her to stay, causing Irilyth to glance uo in alarm. "Yes, sir," she responded meekly to Alastor's command, fishing about in her supplies to pull out a soft cloth and a small bottle of antiseptic she'd scavenged from some ruins. Dabbing the cloth with the antiseptic, Irilyth approached Relm with some timidity, glancing up at the larger lady with an apologetic expression. "Forgive me, this will sting."

Not waiting for Relm to try to resist her or Alastor, Irilyth leaned in and gently dabbed at the bleeding bites around her neck, cleaning them of the blood and disinfecting them in the same move. None of the bites were especially deep and would heal on their own given time. Likewise, the scratches and slashes on her sides were mostly superficial, but she cleaned those as well. Relm would not require stitches, just to make sure infection was staved off. For the girl's own privacy and pride, Irilyth didn't attempt to probe at her lower regions. Alastor had slunk off, leaving them alone so she could conduct her work. "Your wounds will be fine with time. If you have any other... um, pain or discomfort anywhere... you can find me on your own time. I won't delay you from cleaning up any longer." Dipping her head to Relm in a polite bow, Irilyth gathered up her supplies once more and followed Alastor back into the cave, fearful of her Master's reprisal if she dallied.

- exit Irilyth -
