
Don't Try To Make Me Feel Bad

Kefka, Alastor


"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
01-13-2022, 10:45 AM
He had tried to fight the violent, carnal animal rampaging inside of him. Oh how he had tried for her sake. But whether wittingly or not, Relm tempted the beast, showing no fear for him as she stepped closer and beyond the very thin line in the sand he'd made to keep her safe. She spoke his name and gazed at him with a sympathy in her eyes that almost gave him permission to release himself on her, in her. Alastor would never know what was playing in Relm's mind when she decided to push her luck with him. He didn't get the chance to even consider her motives or desires before the pheromones flooding his nares twisted those instincts in his DNA once too much and Alastor felt his will break. Something inside his head snapped and then the animal was loose again. Except this time he didn't see a threat he needed to destroy as thoroughly as possible—he saw a fertile young fae ready to be bred.

Alastor gave a lecherous snarl as he rounded his massive body on Relm, obsidian eyes now ablaze with a dark sinful fire, the hunger palpable in his gaze. The dire brute wasted no time in grabbing for her with a powerful forelimb, going to tug the girl's body to his until their chests met. He wanted her in the most base way a male could want a female. Alastor then went to crush his mouth to Relm's, desiring to taste her. Jet black lips parted her own to slip his tongue into her maw, allowing her to taste her own father's blood in his mouth while he sampled her flavor. Looking into his eyes one could see Alastor was no longer at the wheel. Something far more primal was driving the dire brute now. Sharp claws prickled over Relm's back where he held her, breaking their muzzles apart and pulling her around in one strong movement until she was facing away from him. The massive paw on her back slid between her shoulders and pushed down hard, going to press her front half to the ground while keeping her ass in the air.

Alastor mounted her then, ruby-like claws digging into the skin on her back and her hip where his paws held her. Hips pressed to hers, finding soft parts of her beneath her tail with insistent prodding. In a full display of dominance, Alastor snarled aloud while he dragged his claws down the length of Relm's back from shoulders to the base of her tail, both paws now seizing a firm grasp around her hipbones while he settled his weight over top of hers, claiming her the way nature intended a brute was supposed to claim a fae. Again those blood-red claws dug into her flesh while powerful jaws parted to grasp at her neck, biting down on scruff until he tasted fresh blood on his tongue once more as he claimed what she offered him in reward. The animal in him shuddered with glee, as did his physical form, and pressing forward, Alastor sank deep into Relm, groaning and snarling around her neck while he did as Kefka had teased and fucked the clown's daughter.

- fade -

"Alastor Mendacium"

Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.
