
there be monsters out here



5 Years

Trick 2019
01-13-2022, 08:07 AM
The morning after Erystotle gained his freedom had the man waking up feeling much different than he ever had before. The was a freshness to the air, and a lightness to his body. His mind held clarity that shook him. There was a lot of getting used to this, he was his own master and there were no orders hanging over his head. Just his own desire. Erys was a creature of habit though, and he quickly found himself working on the morning chores. They were easy and mindless, they kept him from thinking too heavily on his new status and the night before.

Chimera’s kiss still had his stomach in knots. He blushed whenever he thought too much about the handsome King. The thoughts of him quickly shifted to what he would do now. He had his freedom and he needed to explore this new life. So after finishing his duties Erys made his way to the dams, and to the edge of Fenmyre itself.

He didn’t remember the last time he had stepped onto rogue land as a free wolf. The pale man paused there at the border, his silver gaze taking in the rogue lands. He steeled himself as he lifted a delicate white paw and lifted it to step over the line. For the first time in a very long time, he was free to leave without repercussions. It was an incredible feeling.

Erystotle slipped over the border, though he felt himself tense as he did so the experience was everything he wanted. A grin played over his maw as he paced lazily through the trees. He should have been paying closer attention, or alerted someone to his whereabouts, he didn’t expected the attack from behind.

All of a sudden Erys felt huge weight on his back as the wolf leapt on him, shoving his shoulders into the ground as the faceless foe grabbed pale horns in his jaws and held the once slave to the ground. Erys cried out in fear, though he felt the lash of anger before it was nothing like this. His attacker held him down with a massive paw but Erys continued to struggle. The unknown wolf shook his head with Erys horn still in his teeth and shook the pale man silly.

Dazed and injured Erys didn’t give up. As the unknown assailant wailed on him Erys finally found an opening as his horn was released. Scrambling with bloodied and bruised limbs Erys managed to get a foot hold and get out of the wolf’s grasp. He had enough sense to race towards the border, calling desperately for his King as he did so.