
Work Up an Appetite

Fenmyre practice raid



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
01-13-2022, 07:26 PM

Dalila was already working on getting the others gathered onto the ferry when the call for them went out from the stretch of land near the beaver dams. Chimera had told her that they would be here shortly for this raid that he arranged and they certainly hadn't wasted any time! She was nervous to be leading the others into this even if it was all just for practice and to build up strength and relations with this band. It was her first real act as a proper Queen since Chimera gave her the position permanently and she certainly didn't want to disappoint him. They quickly crossed the stretch of water to the opposite shore just as the Elysium wolves came to a stop in the middle of what would be their battle field.

With her mastiffs flanking her and her armor in place, she strode out to meet their opponents with the rest of their selected fighters behind her. Chimera broke off from the group early along with Siren, staying off to the side to watch the action. She didn't expect anything to go wrong or get out of hand here, but it was still nice to have the two of them near by just in case—Chimera to step in if a fight got to be too much and Siren to patch up any wounds they happened to get. She came to a stop across from the violet woman and the red-marked onyx man that seemed to be leading the group and gave them a nod, saying, "Well, shall we get started then?" There would be plenty of time to get to know the band better later, for now they could keep the attention on the fighting. She waved her fighters forward to begin engaging with whoever they wished from the other side, but waited a moment so that she could go up against whoever was left.

"Dalila Vista Rocha"