
tales of a world gone wrong




4 Years
01-13-2022, 07:37 PM

Wild... positively wild. "Plenty of ways to get warm out here, but sure that's one." Rakish. Brash. There wasn't much that could be said to keep Jack from saying all the dumb shit that came through her head, anyway. No filter on this mouth. If there was a back nearby, then it would be worth terrorizing... right? Raising more than a little hell for everyone around her came so easily to the antihero. It was a full contact sport. Her tail flicked, and she stood tall over steady paws.

Trouble, trouble, trouble, it was written all over them. An electricity ran through her like a current, and she could feel it in the air between them. It had been far too long since anyone was interesting enough to hold her attention for even this long, so she'd take it. "I could get used to that," her head tossed as Sitka said her name. Oh yeah, she could certainly get used to it... maybe in the worst way. Hell, Jack did everything in the worst way. That was part of the fun.

What was a little blood between friends, after all? Or a lot of blood, but someone would probably have to sign a waiver for that one. Something told her that it wouldn't be the last time they'd go looking for stakes to keep things interesting, so they'd keep it casual this time around. This time... sure. She watched as he stretched, and took his stance. While it was usually ladies first, it wasn't like Jack was much of a lady after all. The antihero grinned as Sitka made his first strike.

A surge of adrenaline coursed through Jack's system as she felt Sitka's teeth on the back of her neck, and she let go a brilliant laugh. Someone that she could at least do her best to match... excellent. Positively excellent. The sandy girl writhed as he tried his best to gain control, to grapple her. It would be close, but close only counted in horseshoes (and hand grenades.) (Come to think of it, this was probably more of a hand grenades scenario.) Though off balance, Jack managed to maintain her footing and at least relative control of her body, paws dug firmly into the soft earth beneath them. With all of her might she pushed upwards with her back legs, hoping to scaffold herself against Sitka's shoulder. If she could get superior position, she'd be able to turn things, or at least she hoped. Savagely, wildly, (but not too hard,) she lashed out with her teeth. Anything to find purchase, she'd take, if she could find it at all.

Jack vs Sitka for spar (and who pays on the first date)
Round 1/2
Age: over 1 year
Size: Large
Build: Medium
Skills: Beginner Navigator & Intermediate Fighter