
forever entangled



3 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Hit!
01-14-2022, 03:23 AM

Reading Lillith's biological and instinctive needs in her body language was becoming such an enjoyable activity for Romulus. The slender, supple young fae clung tight to him in every conceivable way possible, her legs wound around him and her paws in his scruff, her body squirming against his like she just couldn't get comfortable. It all felt so right and was having some very obvious effects on other parts of his body as well, parts Lillith would no doubt be noticing soon if she kept clinging to him and moving against him like that. Her heat scent flooded his senses, overwhelming his brain with pheromones and dopamine. She smelled mouthwateringly delicious, so much so Roman could have devoured her whole then and there. Her scent created this clenching need in his gut, a hunger unlike any he'd felt before. It was doing things to him, activating primal parts of his brain that had been hardcoded into his DNA by millions of years of evolutionary genetics. It was a deeply ingrained desire to mate, to breed, to pass on his genes and further his bloodline. And he wanted all of that with no one other than Lillith.

Roman wasn't conscious to those instinctive desires, of course. All he knew was that Lil smelled better than she ever had, and he thought she'd smelled fucking good before! Large slate-dipped paws roamed slowly over Lillith's back, toes gently tracing the curve of her spine from shoulder to rump, giving the base of her tail a gentle squeeze every time he passed over it. A flash of lightning and crack of thunder caused his pallid goddess to startle and hug herself tighter to him, nearly squeezing the air from his lungs and forcing him to breathe yet another deep breath of her natural perfume. The young brute was practically salivating at the lecherous thoughts filling his brain. Fortunately, his lover wouldn't make him wait long to find some relief. When he asked about what came next, Lil shied away from the answer, stammering out a couple words with a blush on her cheeks. By the gods, there was no sight more adorable nor more precious than watching Lillith get flustered! Then she slid her petite paws around his neck to cup his cheeks and guide his muzzle towards her own.

A low murr of pleasure rumbled deep in his chest while Lillith kissed him, deeply and passionately, pouring forth all her love and lust into their kiss. Roman's lips parted for her, and he tasted her tongue when it slid into his mouth. His groans deepened, slipping his own tongue back into her maw to roam every nook and crevice he could reach, sampling her familiar flavor and savoring it. Between her taste and her scent, Romulus was losing himself in her, ready to dive into Lillith Adravendi and never resurface. The pressure and clenching feeling in his core intensified, turning into a deep ache settling between his thighs. Those large paws roaming her body became more methodical, following her natural feminine curves until they stopped with one paw holding her upper back and keeping their chests pressed together while the other rested over her rump, squeezing and massaging her soft, supple flesh. He returned all of her love in kind with his actions, worshipping Lillith just as she basked in him.

Yet that need didn't go away or subside. The ache grew stronger, urging him to find the relief and satisfaction he needed. Just as Lillith's body was ready and begging her to become a mother, Romulus' was aching to become a father, ready to plant his pups within Lillith to start the next generation of Armadas. Consciously, Roman was not ready to be a father, and he trusted that Lil had seen to it that they'd be safe. They were both far too hot and heavy by now to stop if she hadn't. Gripping onto Lillith's body, Roman rolled them with a gentle shift of his weight so he was now on top of her, nearly every inch of their bodies pressed together. Another groan slipped from him into their kiss when he felt her soft belly fur move against his most sensitive parts, toes curling on reflex. He didn't break their mouths apart, not for a second, nor did he do so when the paw beneath her rump slid up around her hips and down her belly to nestle between her thighs. Careful to use only his squishy paw pads, Roman found what he was seeking and began to gently stroke and rub, aiming to bring her an appetizer of pleasure to their main course of ecstasy.
