
Take me to the gods[Open]


03-03-2013, 08:25 PM
Looking For Something?

I can give you what you want

It had been some time since she'd set foot on the battlefield, her last time having been on this particular piece of land having less the desireable results. She'd come here in search of blood and had come away with none and now she had returned, her blood-thirst rearing its head once more. She might have just mated a few days ago, her cycle having ended, but her yearn for the blood of other to stain her lips never went away.

Muscles of steel glided smoothly beneath her pelt pf hell's blacket night, forelimbs and hindlimbs working in synchronization to propel the damsel through the familiar territory. Nasals flared, at first finding nothing but the scent of blood, some of it stale while some of it was fresh. A grin of a blood-thirsty assasin curled her blood-stained lips as she continued to move through the blood-soaked earth, audits twtiching to and fro, catching the faint sound of what appeared to be yips. The ebony female halted mid-step, auditory system listening carefully, discerning that it really was yips the vixen had heard. What the hell was a pup doing in the middle of a battlefield?

Destruction followed the voice of the young cub, hellish alabaster crimson ringed eyes spotting a redish tinted boy perched atop a rock, as if he were searching for someone. Jaws parted, vocals vibrating as a loud, booming bark errupted into the atmosphere in response to the child's calls. Talons dug into the pliable soil as the she-devil moved towards the boy, limbs pulling the female up and over the rock to stand at one side of the youth, neck craning down to gaze at him. Are you aware you stand in a battlefield boy? Those who come here seek death. she spoke, her voice a harsh growl. Was this child here because he wished his life to be ended? She had never seen a pup voluntarily give up his life.