
It's out there - somewhere



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
01-15-2022, 12:43 PM

Even though they didn't have any official claim over the berry bush filled grove, it still gave her a peace of mind to do occasional patrols just to know what was going in and out of the area. Her children being here were reason enough to be cautious, but now that Chade and Ricin were here the ratio of adults to pups had skewed a bit and it made her even more on alert for dangers. All three of the four pups were doing well when it came to their training and learning how to protect themselves, but there was still sweet Ricin to be concerned for and Saracyn was still too headstrong and reckless for her liking. These patrols also gave her a chance to spend some time with one of the pups or band members since she usually took one of them along. In this case Chade was the one that ended up accompanying her this time and she was happy to have him. He was a quick learner with a good heart and she only respected him more after hearing Ricin's story.

She looked down to the dark blue pup beside her when he spoke, smiling softly as he thanked her for bringing him along and surprising her with a complement of how nice she was. She wondered to herself if that option would have changed if he knew everything she had done in her life and the practices of her family, but she didn't feel like shattering that view he had just yet. She was far from a nice individual, but he had the advantage of only seeing how she treated pups which was very nice indeed. Before she could respond or he could elaborate the sound of something rustling through the bushes caught their attention and her aqua gaze popped up to their surroundings with a frown. Her ears twitched as she followed the sound, nodding quietly to Chade's statement. Finally she caught a glimpse of the stripes of the feline predator through the brush and she shifted to face it, instinctually positioning herself ahead of Chade. "There," she said softly, nodding in its direction. "Be careful and if it gets out of hand run back to camp, understood?" she directed him, her tone making it clear it was not a suggestion but an order.

Manea | Temno | Ciemny