



3 Years
Extra small

Pride - Demisexual
01-15-2022, 04:09 PM
Cendrillion was not doing okay. After her father's... Well his death, she was old enough now to know he had been dying the whole time he'd promised her they'd see each other again, she and her uncle had gone north, had tried to anyways but the long night had snuck up on them. And the girl had gotten sick, so very sick. Her mind had been lost in the fog of it all, she had heard her mother and father all around her and one night she had fled into the dark to try and find them, to ask them why they'd left her all alone, and yet when she'd finally regained herself they were nowhere to be found, they likely had never even been there to begin with.

And she'd been alone ever since, half delirious from sickness and her mounting weakness the girl could neither find her uncle nor her way back to him. She'd been scavenging where she could and wandering in what she hoped would be the direction that took her back up north and back to the only wolf still in her life. But that wasn't exactly working out. How she'd found her paws on the sand the girl would never know, the sickness had fled her with the returning of the sun but she was badly dehydrated and starved and so her sense of direction wasn't exactly great.

The tiny girl, a young woman now more than a little aware she was alone in a world she hardly knew anything about and without the skills to save herself collapsed at the edge of the water, feeling cool grass under her paws for the first time in a while and hungrily lapping at the fresh water. Her stomach twisted painfully in hunger and she curled in upon herself. Cen was pretty sure she was going to die, but if she did maybe she could finally be with maman and papa again, that would be nice.


Image by Honrin