
I'm bad as bad can be




Intermediate Healer (45)

Expert Hunter (180)

6 Years

01-15-2022, 09:50 PM
She simply nodded in response to his directions, softly brushing her side against him as she moved back and away to flank around to the side of the herd, making sure the wind didn't blow her scent towards them. It would be easier if she had access to herbs and other strong-smelling items they could cover themselves with to disguise their wolf musk, but perhaps she would work on that sooner rather than later. At least that way they didn't have to be as careful while getting into position.
Iðunn kept her body low to the ground, her steps as light as a feather blowing on the wind as she moved, until finally she was far enough on the other side that she could quickly dart out to chase the rest of the herd away, but prevent the old bull deer from running with the others. Her head turned to where her cousin lay in wait, making sure he was ready, before with a silent leap she burst forth from the undergrowth. She skirted to the side of her target, snapping her teeth at the hocks of the does to spur them away. The bull deer snorter, head raising as he skittered away from her, but she pushed off against the ground to change course and cut him off, allowing the rest of the deer to scatter.
It spun to face her directly, and for a moment she thought it would put up a fight, so she raised up on her hind legs with a few snaps of her jaws to try and intimidate it. Whether it was her action, or if the bull decided a fight wasn't worth it, it turned to flee away from her, trying to follow some of the does that had fled vaguely in Víðarr's direction. Iðunn waste no time in taking chase, staying hot on its heels and using her lithe body to dart side to side to keep it heading straight towards her cousin. She didn't want it escaping now, not after all the effort she put into delivering it right to him.

Hunting 2/3
When Iðunn's speech is in italics it means she's speaking in Swedish