
What should I do?




Master Fighter (270)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Ranger Ranger

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
01-15-2022, 11:42 PM

Chade had gotten a moment to view Alastor’s work on the bear as he’d dodged that one attack towards him.  He had climbed up the bear!!  There was plenty of an opening as it clearly had to focus on Alastor.  As Alastor put his claws into the bear’s scalp Chade bit into the bear’s leg focusing only on opening the wound larger. Chade didn’t have much more than a few seconds though before the bears balance teetered after having its neck ripped into it.

The moment he realized the bear wasn’t firmly rooted Chade was back peddling.  His wary watch of the bear only paused momentarily by the view of Alastor getting in front of him.  He hadn’t known Alastor long, heck they had just met, and maybe a kid should assume the adult would be ready to defend them in a fight but, it was touching.  


The bear’s giant body hit the earth.  Chade’s brow furrowed and he took a cautious step or two back closer to it.  The amount of blood near its head assured him that bear was never going to be a threat.  Chade glanced from the blood at his head to where some red splotches were on the ground from what blood Chade had spilled.  Most of the damage he had done was blood hidden in the thick carpet of the bear’s fur and, on his own muzzle.  Alastor had done the majority of the damage truth be told.

Still, Chade had hurt it.  Chade had fought, he had scored blows and the bear was dead while the dark blue wolf was alive. A small, proud smile was growing on his face. It felt good not to seem helpless.  Someday he’d be sure to do just as much damage as Alastor had.  Damn, he looked a lot less friendly when he was ripping a bear to pieces like that.  
Chade’s bright eyes looked at Alastor as he spoke up, “You’re amazing!  You just ripped his throat right out!”  With the fight over his tail was up and swishing back and forth, “That was…fun!”  He had to think on the word, it wasn’t one he’d used much in a while.  

Then was the mention of hero again to give Chade that reminder of getting to go back to the band and tell everyone how he helped take down a bear!  Even so, when Alastor mentioned not having been able to do it on his own Chade shook his head, “If I had to bet on two bears or you then I’d still label you thrashing them good even alone.”  The fact he figured Alastor hadn’t really needed his help didn’t seem to hinder his smile at all, “but, I did hurt it, I did my part.  Not someone helpless that needed saving.”  

If Alastor wanted the boy's confidence to be strong though he’d apparently scored that, “Can we do this a lot?” There probably weren’t bears around every corner though, “Well, at least as often as there are predators about.  I have to get really really strong and this is a fun way to do it!”


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