
I'm bad as bad can be




Intermediate Healer (45)

Expert Hunter (180)

6 Years

01-16-2022, 01:46 AM
She could see Víðarr bursting forth from his hidden position towards them, but at the speed the bull deer was travelling at it had no time to dart out of the way, and she heard the dull thud of the two crashing together. They both fell, and instead of piling on straight away Iðunn skidded to a stop and began circling, head low as she bared her teeth. She would wait for a good opportunity to attack, rather than jumping in with no thought and potentially getting herself or her cousin injured. Perhaps she was being too cautious, but the rest of her family were hot-headed enough that someone needed to be calm and collected for the rest of them.
The sickening crack seemed to almost reverb in her head, and her head whipped around to make sure Víðarr wasn't the one that had become injured, but the bugling of the bull instead of a pained whine told her it was the deer that the crack had originated from. She watched as he was thrown backwards by a stray kick from the non-injured leg, and she circled around to where it's head was just as he got back up to his feet, taking that as her signal to end it before any more injuries happened.
Iðunn silently struck, almost like a cobra with the speed of it, her jaws clamping so tightly right around its throat that blood spurted everywhere. It dribbled down her maw to her chest, and with a low growl she roughly shook her head, feeling muscle and sinew tear with the motion. The bull deer kicked out weakly as it gurgled beneath her, and only when it stilled did she let go, licking her lips as she locked gazes with Víðarr, a triumphant look in her icy blue eyes. "Nice work cousin." One scraped shoulder was a good trade-off for a bull deer any day, and she couldn't help the small grin that appeared on her face.

Hunting 3/3
When Iðunn's speech is in italics it means she's speaking in Swedish