
Better Late than Never

Manea Family Hello



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

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7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
01-16-2022, 02:02 AM

There was small bit of a wait before she saw the split toned male arrive on the opposite shore and they watched as he sent the ferry out to receive them. At least they wouldn't need to swim across. If the Alias Island didn't already have the natural land bridge she imagined they would have come up with something similar—though it did make her wonder if they should set up at least a bridge of some kind for when it was high tide... but first they would need to finish building their pack so that they could move back to their preferred home. Once the ferry reached them she and her family climbed onto the platform and then settled back onto her haunches to wait for Chimera to pull them across to where he was waiting.

Stepping onto the island beach, she made her Saracyn and Avacyn made it alright before turning her attention to the Fenmyre King. She returned his nod and offered him a smile at his greeting. "Chimera. It's been far too long," she replied. That was a true statement on all accounts. By all intents and purposes she would have come to visit his pack far sooner if the world hadn't chosen to take a turn for the worst. It did occur to her that perhaps she could have sent one of her ravens to let him know that they would be coming to visit the day before, but she supposed there was no harm in a bit of surprise. Once Chimera and Alastor had introduced themselves the attention briefly turned to the children between them as he invited them to explore and go find his children. Avacyn dutifully looked up to her and Alastor to confirm it was alright, but Saracyn was practically ready to bolt away without hesitation. She chuckled and nodded, waving the twins onward. "Go on, have fun. Behave yourselves." With that the pups went off into the island and she watched them go before returning her attention to their host.

She smiled again at his question, giving a soft chuckle. "Well, I had intended on coming to see this pack of yours quite a while ago, but as you can imagine the state of the world delayed us quite a bit. We had to put our plans on hold until everyone was well again." She hadn't seen any part of Boreas or Auster unaffected by the long night and the plague it brought so she had to assume Chimera and his pack had been effected as well. "Maybe there is somewhere more comfortable we can talk business?"

Manea | Temno | Ciemny